
電腦:你是藍牙鍵盤嗎? ESP32:是的!我是藍牙鍵盤。 電腦:開始傳送鍵盤資料。 ESP32:OK!



  1. ESP模擬藍牙鍵盤
  2. 電腦新增藍牙鍵盤,連線ESP32
  3. 電腦與ESP32連線成功,ESP32開始傳送鍵盤資料


藍牙鍵盤名為為ESP32 BLE Keyborad




from micropython import const
import struct
import bluetooth
from ble_hid_test import BLE_HID
from button import Button
from time import sleep

keypad = BLE_HID('ESP_BLE_Keypad',16)
while True:
  if Button(5).wait_input():
  if Button(36).wait_input():

#define KEY_MOD_LCTRL 0x01 #define KEY_MOD_LSHIFT 0x02 #define KEY_MOD_LALT 0x04 #define KEY_MOD_LMETA 0x08 #define KEY_MOD_RCTRL 0x10 #define KEY_MOD_RSHIFT 0x20 #define KEY_MOD_RALT 0x40 #define KEY_MOD_RMETA 0x80

#define KEY_A 0x04 // Keyboard a and A #define KEY_B 0x05 // Keyboard b and B #define KEY_C 0x06 // Keyboard c and C #define KEY_D 0x07 // Keyboard d and D #define KEY_E 0x08 // Keyboard e and E #define KEY_F 0x09 // Keyboard f and F #define KEY_G 0x0a // Keyboard g and G #define KEY_H 0x0b // Keyboard h and H #define KEY_I 0x0c // Keyboard i and I #define KEY_J 0x0d // Keyboard j and J #define KEY_K 0x0e // Keyboard k and K #define KEY_L 0x0f // Keyboard l and L #define KEY_M 0x10 // Keyboard m and M #define KEY_N 0x11 // Keyboard n and N #define KEY_O 0x12 // Keyboard o and O #define KEY_P 0x13 // Keyboard p and P #define KEY_Q 0x14 // Keyboard q and Q #define KEY_R 0x15 // Keyboard r and R #define KEY_S 0x16 // Keyboard s and S #define KEY_T 0x17 // Keyboard t and T #define KEY_U 0x18 // Keyboard u and U #define KEY_V 0x19 // Keyboard v and V #define KEY_W 0x1a // Keyboard w and W #define KEY_X 0x1b // Keyboard x and X #define KEY_Y 0x1c // Keyboard y and Y #define KEY_Z 0x1d // Keyboard z and Z

#define KEY_1 0x1e // Keyboard 1 and ! #define KEY_2 0x1f // Keyboard 2 and @ #define KEY_3 0x20 // Keyboard 3 and # #define KEY_4 0x21 // Keyboard 4 and $ #define KEY_5 0x22 // Keyboard 5 and % #define KEY_6 0x23 // Keyboard 6 and ^ #define KEY_7 0x24 // Keyboard 7 and & #define KEY_8 0x25 // Keyboard 8 and * #define KEY_9 0x26 // Keyboard 9 and ( #define KEY_0 0x27 // Keyboard 0 and )

#define KEY_ENTER 0x28 // Keyboard Return (ENTER) #define KEY_ESC 0x29 // Keyboard ESCAPE #define KEY_BACKSPACE 0x2a // Keyboard DELETE (Backspace) #define KEY_TAB 0x2b // Keyboard Tab #define KEY_SPACE 0x2c // Keyboard Spacebar #define KEY_MINUS 0x2d // Keyboard - and _ #define KEY_EQUAL 0x2e // Keyboard = and + #define KEY_LEFTBRACE 0x2f // Keyboard [ and { #define KEY_RIGHTBRACE 0x30 // Keyboard ] and } #define KEY_BACKSLASH 0x31 // Keyboard \ and | #define KEY_HASHTILDE 0x32 // Keyboard Non-US # and ~ #define KEY_SEMICOLON 0x33 // Keyboard ; and : #define KEY_APOSTROPHE 0x34 // Keyboard ' and " #define KEY_GRAVE 0x35 // Keyboard ` and ~ #define KEY_COMMA 0x36 // Keyboard , and < #define KEY_DOT 0x37 // Keyboard . and > #define KEY_SLASH 0x38 // Keyboard / and ? #define KEY_CAPSLOCK 0x39 // Keyboard Caps Lock